Vaping: Why is it attractive?
Young people can be drawn to vaping for a number of different reasons including peer pressure, accessibility and affordability, the belief that vaping is harmless and curiosity. Sometimes a family member who vapes can also influence children and young people to try vaping.
This short video provides some insights into why vaping is attractive to young people and is important viewing before parents and carers use the conversation starters at home.
Conversation Starters
Be ready to have these conversations with your child with a sense of calmness and interest in what they have to say. Be ready to listen to their responses without jumping in too quickly to correct them. Choose your timing wisely, perhaps during a relaxed moment at home, when driving somewhere together, or when no other stress or distractions are present.
Peer pressure can be powerful, so coming up with realistic action steps and practising them together in a safe environment will prepare and empower your child to make good choices when it matters. Remind them that not everyone is vaping. There are many young people making healthy choices to say no.
Ms Fiona Stuart - Leader of Pastoral Care