St Paul's College offers a broad and exciting curriculum which is deep and holistic in nature, allowing students to target their learning to areas of strength, especially in the latter years, allowing their light to shine. The College seeks to be dynamic by knowing each student and engaging parents in developing a program that gives their child the best opportunity to improve.
Our educational philosophy is built on Academic Care, where each student’s ability as a learner is fundamental and the relationship between the student and their teacher is built on respect, support and data leading to improved outcomes. We are seeking to build classroom experiences that develop curriculum and approaches to learning and teaching that are visible and enhance student learning, well-being and resilience and to embed these practices each day in the classroom.
Writing is the primary academic focus for all students in the school. The College uses data to monitor writing for each student with our goal being that each student can grow and improve; using a Case Management Approach through tools such as Data Walls and Learning Walks and Talks where data is turned into teacher instruction.
Effective teachers can inspire students as well as provide a reliable influence as they make choices about their future.
We understand that teachers can have a powerful impact on students. Teacher quality is the single most important factor shaping student success at school.
All teachers in New South Wales must be registered with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). It is their role to help teachers be the best they can be so they can have the greatest impact on every learner. Visit for further information.
Class placement
The class placement tool at St Paul’s is based on student work ethic, no matter the student’s academic ability and consistency in student engagement with their teacher based on data.
Opportunities for outstanding students in acceleration programs
St Paul’s seeks to identify outstanding academic students and extend their ability and develop their skills to maximise their opportunities in the HSC. Acceleration programs in the College for 2025 include acceleration of students from Years 9 and 10 in French Continuers, Mathematics and Investigating Science and an accelerated Studies of Religion 1 course that allows selected students to sit the HSC whilst in Year 11.
Opportunities in Vocational Education Training programs
St Paul’s presents an outstanding reputation as a VET school, named Australian VET School of the Year in 2020. In 2025 the College will offer four VET subjects in Stage 6: Construction, Hospitality, Human Services - Aged Care, and Primary Industries. These subjects allow 70 hours of work placement with Macleay Valley employers offering direct experiences in the work place and often leading to ongoing employment.
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships and Work Experience
Students from Year 10 onwards can begin School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships and Work where they can work with an employer one day a week and also begin TAFE credentials. These programs provide students with the dual opportunity of meeting the expectations of employers, TAFE and school, especially assessment requirements within this program. St Paul’s supports a flexible Learning and Teaching program to cater for the individual needs of each student.
St Paul’s Year 7 Learning Program
At St Paul’s the goal from the Year 7 classroom experience is to build a learning profile for each student using data. In Year 7, the College has developed the program to nurture and encourage motivated and 21st century learners. The Program develops strong organisational and digital skills that allow students the ability to access their learning in a range of modes as an independent thinker.
Mentorship of senior students
In Year 11, students and their teachers rate engagement and capacity/potential in the Learning Pulse providing rich data allowing for engagement with each student and their families during Term 3 prior to Preliminary exams and subsequently at the beginning of the HSC course in Term 4. Each HSC student has an academic mentor, where students and their mentor review their assessment program daily, supporting the best HSC result and post school options.
Excursions for senior studentsStudents at St Paul's College are provided with many opportunities to participate in excursions. These activities are especially organised to enrich and motivate the student's learning experiences and engagement outside the classroom environment.
Examples of St Paul's senior excursions held in 2024 include:
- Year 11 Chemistry Excursion to Dyno Nobel
- Year 11 Hospitality Excursion to Ewingsdale and the Gold Coast
- Year 11 HSIE and Science Excursion to Sydney
- Year 11 Geography Excursion to Cascade Environmental Education Centre
- Senior Art and Drama Excursion to Sydney
- Year 11 and 12 UNSW Regional Outreach Roadshow
- Year 12 Charles Sturt University Explore Day
- Year 12 Physics Excursion
- Year 12 English Advanved Excursion to Sydney
- Year 12 Geography Excursion to Cassegrain Winery
- Year 12 Science Excursion to Sydney
- Year 12 Biology Excursion to Fiji
Years 7 and 8
Students in Years 7 and 8 study a common curriculum comprising Catholic Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Technology, Language (French), Visual Arts, Music and PD/H/PE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).
Years 9 and 10
The core curriculum for Years 8 and 9 comprises Catholic Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Australian History, Australian Geography, Sport and PD/H/PE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).
Students then can choose two electives from the following:
Agriculture, Textiles Technology, Food Technology, Music, Visual Arts, Commerce, Elective History, Industrial Technology (Metal), Industrial Technology (Multi Media), Industrial Technology (Timber), Drama, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, Online Distance Ed Courses, iSTEM, Information and Software Technology.
Years 11 and 12
The College offers a large range of academic courses that provide prerequisites for university courses throughout Australia. The academic program is designed for both students seeking entry into university as well students working towards achieving a well-rounded education in the pursuit of employment or further tertiary study at an institution other than university.
The Curriculum comprises: Ancient History; Agriculture; Biology; Business Studies; VET Construction; Chemistry; Drama; Earth and Environmental Science; English – Extension 1 & 2; English – Advanced; English – Standard; English – Studies; Food Technology; Geography; VET Hospitality Operations; VET Human Services - Aged Care and Early Childhood Education and Care; Industrial Technology; Information Processes & Technology; Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation; Legal Studies; Mathematics Extension 2; Mathematics Extension 1; Mathematics - Advanced; Mathematics - Standard; Numeracy; Modern History; Ancient History; Music 1; Personal Development Health & Physical Education; Physics; VET Primary Industries; Investigating Science; Studies of Religion I & II; Textiles & Design; Visual Arts; Work Studies; TVET Courses; Online Distance Education Courses; Online Education Centre Courses.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offer Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to study for nationally recognised and accredited qualifications as part of their regular Higher School Certificate study program. These courses provide students with skills, training and qualifications that will give them a head start in their chosen career or further training, including 70 hours of work placement with employers from the Macleay Valley.
St Paul’s College offers a range of courses to our students:
Hospitality - Certificate II Hospitality
Primary Industries - Certificate II Agriculture
Construction - Certificate II Construction
Human Services Statement of attainment towards CHC33021 - Certificate III in Individual Support
The VET courses allow students to develop a variety of work-ready skills that will be highly valued as they progress into the world of work. Students participating in the VET courses have outstanding facilities including the Francis Farm, the Ignatius Construction Centre, the neighbouring Vincent Court Aged Care centre using state of the art facilities and the outstanding industrial kitchen in the McAuley Centre.
Choosing a VET pathway that balances academic learning with practical skills can be a game changer for many students and offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, providing numerous benefits that can set students up for success, including:
Real World Skills and Experience
VET courses are designed to equip students with industry specific skills that are directly applicable in the workforce. By participating in these programs, students gain hands-on experience through practical training, internships, and work placements, which can give them a significant edge in the job market.
Career Clarity and Direction
Engaging in a VET course allows students to explore various career options and industries, helping them make informed decisions about their future. This early exposure can be invaluable in identifying their passions and strengths, leading to more satisfying career choices.
Enhanced Employability
Employers highly value candidates with practical experience and a proven track record in their field. VET courses provide students with relevant qualifications and work experience, making them more attractive to potential employers. This can lead to better job prospects and higher starting salaries.
Pathway to Further Education
VET courses can serve as a stepping stone to higher education. Many programs offer credits that can be transferred to university degrees, allowing students to continue their education without starting from scratch. This flexibility opens doors to a range of academic and professional opportunities.
Personal Development
In addition to technical skills, VET courses help students develop essential soft skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and time management. These competencies are crucial in any professional setting and contribute to personal growth and confidence.
Industry Connections
Through work placements and interactions with industry professionals, VET students can build a network of contacts in their chosen field. These connections can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and potential job opportunities upon graduation.
Tailored Learning Experience
VET programs are designed to cater to different learning styles and paces, providing a more personalised education experience. This approach can be particularly beneficial for students who thrive in practical, hands-on learning environments.
Our College has a solid reputation in the area of Vocational Education and Training and many of our past students have incorporated a VET course as part of their educational pathway.